Your support is greatly appreciated. Any questions on giving, or to notify us of your giving, please email
Our preferred method to receive regular donations with gift aid is through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). Please see Regular Giving.
One Off Donations
Online One Off Donation through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), Gift Aid may be given
Paypal Charity Button - Only suitable if you have a Paypal account, Gift Aid may be given
BACS - if you wish to Gift Aid – please contact the Parish Office for more details.
DEBIT/CREDIT CARD – please call the Parish Office on 01932 346345
regular giving
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) – KEY DETAILS
You may set up a regular donation (monthly, quarterly, annually) with gift aid using a direct debit. PGS collects the money on the 1st of each month and allows the option to increase your gift in line with inflation each year. To sign up you will need to have your personal bank account details.
Please click here for information about the Parish Giving Scheme
The PGS Code for Parish of Wisley with Pyrford: 170617206
ONLINE set up - please click here
PGS Phone: 0333 002 1260 (open Mon/Fri – 9am to 5pm)
An application FORM pack is available for collection from the Parish Office
If you are an EXISTING DONOR please cancel your standing order with Wisley with Pyrford from the month your new policy will start, only do so after you have received confirmation from PGS that your account has been set up.
Scan your code
To set up regular giving online for the Parish of Wisley with Pyrford