Let Us Pray…
On this page we have a number of different types of prayer. Please do share your needs and those of other people around you. Take a moment to pray for those who are in need. We travel together through life, with all its blessings and challenges and God loves it when we lift those to Him.
Let us pray…
Let us pray:
We pray for people and businesses facing financial difficulties and an uncertain future.
We pray for comunities across the world recovering from natural disasters, for Turkey, Syria and those still rebuilding from past years too. Amen
We pray for countries at war, for the many innocent people caughtup in fighting and devastation of towns and cities. Amen
We pray for countries with difficult and complex issues, for Afghanistan, North Korea, for places where people’s freedom to faith is no more. Amen
We pray for our government as they seek to lead and make policies and provision for all people’s needs today and for the future.
We pray for the bereaved, Lord comfort them and assure them of your love at this time.
We pray for those who are lonely and in pain, physical, emotional and mentally struggling. Remembering especially …..
We pray for the children and young people of our local community and the staff and schools which they go. Remembering especially the staff and pupils of Pyrford Primary School working from home and at school.
If you would like to request specific prayers for people at this time (with their permission) do complete on the form below↓ by clicking the button and we will be pleased to add names to our intercessions and special prayers.
If you would like to pray with someone do contact Caroline Oldroyd via email and this can be arranged.
Special Requests - Church Family & Beyond
Almighty and everlasting God,
In recent weeks we witness again the continued evil of racism that is present across the world. We pray that, by your Spirit, you deliver from destructive attitudes those who judge, disrespect or persecute on the basis of ethnicity and colour of skin. Lord, your word reminds us that we are not to disrespect or call any person unclean (Acts 10:28). Remind all of us Lord that each person in this world is created in your image and that each human life, dearly loved by you, is precious and sacred; we ask these things through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
At this time special prayers as we witness an awakening of global solidarity against racism:
Lord, Jesus Christ
who reached across the ethnic boundaries
between Samaritan, Roman and Jew
who offered fresh sight to the blind and freedom to captives,
help us to break down the barriers in our community,
enable us to see the reality of racism and bigotry,
and free us to challenge and uproot it
from ourselves, our society and our world.
Thank you!
During these difficult times, let us share our messages of thanks with each other
Thank you for everyone involved in helping us worship together on Sunday Mornings.
Thank you for Tots Praise continuing on and the way you meet us Jesus as we praise together.
Thank you for the many Christians across the world and churches reaching out to people through the internet, to teach, encourage, build up and pray for us and for our world.
Thank you for Spring Harvest at Home and the inspiration teaching for all ages found there.