Two sides of the Same Coin - 3rd and Final Part

simon snow


 Those of you who have been kind enough to follow this series may remember that I have been drawing the analogy between the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the work of the Woking Street Angels. (See Parish Magazine October 2019 and February 2020) 

A couple of months ago a worthy theologian was drawing the comparison between the Parable and the extract from the Gospel. To paraphrase, in case it does not immediately spring to mind: The King said; I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink,  sick and you took care of me… And the Righteous replied; When did we see you a stranger and welcome you into our home, or naked and clothe you,  see you sick or in prison?  And the King replied “I tell you whatever you did for these members of my family you did for me”. 

For the last 6 months The Angel statistics have been as follows whilst on duty in central Woking every Friday and Saturday night between 2200 and 0400  .. 

Blankets given out 37 

Flip flops 108 

Bottles /cans / broken glass picked up 1950 

People helped 163. 

Bottled water …. Beyond count. 

So whichever way these figures are interpreted we can draw the link between the two sides of the coin, take pride in it and feel we are carrying out God’s work on earth. 

Since I came up with the linkage and the basis for an article I have of course been totally overtaken by the Coronavirus pandemic. The Angels have had to be taken off duty but we hear every day of the selfless dedication of so many to help those in need. 

Both within the NHS, who dedication is beyond measure, and within our communities good people have united to help, support, welcome, or talk to anyone who needs it in whatever way. Perhaps this outlook may carry on beyond the life of the virus, we can but pray that it does. 

What can I possibly say other than their work is being done for him and the Coin even more relevant. 

Go well, stay well and support each other. 

-Simon Snow