Reflections on a ‘recent’ marriage
Yvonne Hailstones
This contribution is offered as one of the more recently married in the congregation of Wisley with Pyrford. Though I suspect not the most recently married, but certainly one of the oldest recently married!
My husband and I were on the cusp of our 8th decades when we married. Between us we have about 100 years of lived adult life experiences between us. We were both surprised and delighted that our paths crossed , at our stages of life, and really happy to be married to each other. Those past years inevitably have meant that we have gathered baggage along the way, and in my case especially of the material variety! It seemed right to us to make a fresh start, and that is one reason why, as many of you know, I am about to move away.
Sorting out what I have gathered around me since I moved here in 1977 has been very challenging and time consuming. So I just wanted to share something of the joy we have found, and the new adventure I feel we are on, especially at this point in our lives. I want this also to be a goodbye, but not farewell, although I am not sure when it will be. I want to keep in touch and come back to visit. My involvement with parish activities have been many, and ranged from the Pram Club to The Next Step, with many other things in between. With a young family I attended The Good Shepherd, but in recent years I have been a regular at Wisley, and from time to time attended St Nicholas’. So I have experienced all of our churches.
I am also extremely grateful to the tremendous love and support I have received from many over the years. Again from struggling with a new baby to recent challenges when ill and needing surgery.
I will not list the names, but you will all know who you are, and I thank you. However I do want especially to mention Jean and Norman Smith who were there for me in many ways and in many situations over the years. The Christian fellowship, teaching and prayers from many, in addition to the clergy and lay readers, have been a real blessing. So, this is with my best wishes and grateful thanks to Wisley with Pyrford, as my husband and I embark on this new and exciting stage of our lives.
-Yvonne Hailstones